::: Green tea latte :::

Kevin & Lily

2011年05月11日 20:17

Read More: http://lilyeggstar.wordpress.com/2011/05/05/choco-mint-cake/

Skin: {Light} Blessa: Clean | Tres Blah by Julliette Westerburg
Teeth: TeethAlpha | LeLutka by Minnu Palen
Hair: KERI | Sixty Nine by Kumii Yoshikawa
Hair Base: Hairbase Tattoos – Dark Brown| Amacci by Carina Larsen
Blouse: Rhinestone Bat Sleeve Blouse | INDIE ROSE by Angelina Eizenberg
Pants: Denim Cutoff shorts | Tres Blah by Julliette Westerburg
Boots: moccasins – ankle fringe – brown | Naughty by Lost Thereian
Blecelet: THE DUNGEON SET | SHADE THRONE by Undo Hermano
Blecelet: Beach Pass Bracelets | Surf Co. by Emma Gilmour
Rings: Crowle/Melville Rings | theosophy by Trace Osterham
Nail Polish (set of 20 colors) | Tres Blah by Julliette Westerburg
Necklace: chiffon ribbon necklace | tram by moca loup
Bag: Girly Briefcase – Mint | The Secret Store by Maylee Oh
Bow: medium headband| TokiDoki by Maya Levane
Bandaids: - Hearts | Reek by Riq Graves